July 3, 2010


So, last night I was in Blockbuster. I'm mindlessly browsing movies when 2 girls next to me start to discuss their rental choices. Idiot 1: "I really want to watch Hurt Locker." Idiot 2: "I'm too drunk for that."

WHAT?! If you are THAT drunk, maybe you shouldn't be in Blockbuster. Or anywhere. Idiot.

May 3, 2010

April 27, 2010

April 20, 2010

A joke one of my clients told me today...

tool of a kid: Ever hear that joke you can't tell a moron?

me: nope...

kid: exactly...

April 3, 2010


What sex position do you have to be in to make an ugly baby?

Ask your mom.  Idiot.

April 1, 2010


I actually think you're really cool.

April Fools, idiot.