March 29, 2010

Doesn't it make you wonder?

Do you ever look at someone and think, "Man. How in the hell have you survived this long?" Case in point, check out this video.

I mean...really? Hey, I have a great idea! I'm going to stand on this wobbly fence, and leap to this OTHER fence! OMG IT'LL BE AWESOME!!1!11

No, you crazyass sludge monster scraped from the bottom of the gene pool. It won't be awesome. I take that back. Watching you bust your ass and hopefully cause obscene amounts of internal bleeding will be awesome. Why? Because it's living proof that Darwin hates your dumb ass. Who in their right mind would think leaping from fence-top to fence-top would be a good idea?

And really this is just a sampling of the idiocy that fills this world. We've got crazies running from the police and hiding..where? In a fucking prison. Then we've got Jack jumping candlesticks on a fence. God only knows what's next.

But I guarantee that we @ Duh Alert will be here to poke fun at any moment of retardation that crosses us.

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