You know how most things you shouldn't swallow have warnings all over them? Windex, soap, toothpaste... Most of them also have directions on what to do if you get the stuff in your eyes. Flush with water, seek medical help, call the poison people, etc. I discovered today which bath item does NOT have this information - toothpaste.
"No fucking duh," you're probably saying. Why the hell would toothpaste need a warning about getting it in your eye? It goes ON THE TOOTHBRUSH. Well if you're as skilled as I am, all it takes it to nick the bristles with the toothpaste tube to flick a bit into your eye. And let me tell you, it burns like a thousand suns. My first reaction was to cry like a little bitch. No, seriously, I read the tube with my good eye to see wtf I needed to do. And THEN I cried because there was no indication of how blind I was going to be after this incident. I went with the old standby and flushed it out with warm water. No vision issues as of yet, but my left eye feels minty fresh.
Moral of the story: Crest with Scope burns like a mutha.
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